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    Tutorial on Basic Windows 2000 DOS

      This Section Will Cover
    • 00. What a file is under win enviroment
    • 01. What a variable is in %win2k% batch and how to create them.
    • 02. What echo echo. @echo off does.
    • 03. What operators like > and >> and | do.
    • 04. What a ::comment is.
    • 05. What & does and how to use it &::creatively.
    • 06. What 'DIR' and 'SORT' is and does
    • 07. What a * and a ? mean to the DOS shell.
    • 08. What GOTO _is when used with :_labels, also using PING to create a delay.
    • 09. What if "statements"=="are and what they do".
    • 10. What a basic "for" loop is/does.
    • 11. How to use low interger values with variables.
    • 12. How to parse strings into substrings.
    • 13. How to echo non-echoable characters.
    • 14. How to pass %arguments to a .bat file.
    • 15. Summary

    To get help on almost ALL CL tools in Win2k type the command then /? i.e. DIR /? or CMD /?
    If you're using a CL tool that you downloaded or whatever, most of the time you can just type in the tool's name and press enter. Usually when you don't supply any switches to a tool it brings up help for the tool. Also most tools other than M$ tools use a - instead of a /

    Commands like DIR are built into cmd.exe. cmd.exe is the 32bit shell that runs these scripts. There is also command.com but that is 16bit. Always try to run everything in cmd.exe (32bit) whenever possible because it is more flexible. Odds are you will never have to use command.com. cmd.exe does everything it does and a world more.

    Ok, now press the windows key on the keyboard, keep it held down and press R (the R does NOT have to be in capital case, lower case works too). This needs to be done fast. You can almost press them at the same time. You want to do this quickly almost like you are pressing them at the same time, just make sure you hit R after the winkey. If it doesnt work for you, then click the start menu, then click run. Now in this run box just type the 3 letters cmd and hit enter. This will bring up a DOS shell. Same shell the .bat use's but unlike the .bat, this shell will remain open. Usually at the end of a .bat file, if it's written right, it will just close. Not even a pause will happen unless you put pause >nul in there so you could see what the final output was.

    Ok in that DOS window, type DIR /? this will bring up help for switches that DIR can take. NOTE: you dont have to have DIR in all capitals or really any of these commands, I just always try to do it like that.

    Ok what you should see is the below...
    C:\>dir /?
    Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.
    DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N]
      [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/P] [/Q] [/S] [/T[[:]timefield]] [/W] [/X] [/4]
                  Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.
      /A          Displays files with specified attributes.
      attributes   D  Directories                R  Read-only files
                   H  Hidden files               A  Files ready for archiving
                   S  System files               -  Prefix meaning not
      /B          Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).
      /O          List by files in sorted order.
      sortorder    N  By name (alphabetic)       S  By size (smallest first)
                   E  By extension (alphabetic)  D  By date/time (oldest first)
                   G  Group directories first    -  Prefix to reverse order
    NOTE: there is more I just listed the ones we are going to use.

    Ok it all might look twisted to you, but its really simpler than most of the things you already do. Read what each one does. Now keep hitting enter until it gets you back to where you can type stuff. Now type in DIR /AD /B /ON You should see something like the below if you are on C:\ (and you should be for this tutorial). This is what it looks like for me...
    C:\>DIR /AD /B /ON
    Documents and Settings
    Program Files
    These are all directories. That is because we used the Attributes switch of /A and we put with it D. /AD means only display directories. The /B means Bare. This hides alot of info. We also used the Order switch of /O and with it N. /ON means order the output by name.

    Here we go again, this time, lets just use DIR /ON OK, here is just what part of mine looks like. Since i dont want to waste space I have cut it down. Yours will look slightly different of course...
    C:\>DIR /ON
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 60A0-AB66
     Directory of C:\
    08/17/2003  19:42                    0 __apps
    08/11/2003  21:51       DIR          _base_apps
    09/05/2003  23:02                1,527 _java_notes.txt
    08/13/2003  08:15       DIR          _pages
    09/08/2003  02:04               13,958 basic_dos_howto.txt
    08/12/2003  04:12       DIR          bestboot
    11/27/2022  13:44            2,949,120 bestboot.ima
    08/26/2003  07:18                   21 blah.txt
    09/08/2003  01:34                  159 zz.bat
    ...(keeps going but I cut it off)
                  22 File(s)     14,082,349 bytes
                  20 Dir(s)   6,411,542,528 bytes free
    As you can see we only used the switch /ON so we see files and directories, and also other attributes like date, time, DIR meaning it's a directory, 1,527 is the size in bytes of file _java_notes.txt.

    The command SORT is actually a file in your WINNT system. It's not built into cmd.exe like DIR is. What it does is sort a file but only to the screen. It does not create a new sorted file or sort the one you used with SORT. You will have to use redirection >> to output to a new sorted file. Type in SORT /? in your DOS window. Yes you might see some crazy stuff, I understand what all those options do, but never found myself having to use them. Simple fact is, if you have to use those options, you are going to hunt down a different CL tool on the internet that can do it more effieciently and/or alot more stuff...at least that was the case for me. (application named texttools I used to use)

    Basically all you need to know is the below.
    SORT file_to_sort >> sorted_file.txt
    The above will use the file of file_to_sort and output the sorted text to sorted_file.txt. Notice file_to_sort does NOT have a .txt extension. This is because like I said you don't have to have one. All the data in file_to_sort I know is text, so I'm fine. In an OS that doesnt have simple redundant limitations like file extensions, you don't need file extensions at all. In fact, windows is the only currently up to date OS I know where you have to have them for just about everything. But in DOS, you can perform any routines on files you want regardless of file extension. You could actually do SORT setup.exe >> sorted_setup.exe. This would of course would be a meaningless operation since the sorted file would not work since you messed it up from its intended usage, but you can do it.

    /P This swich you can add to a lot of commands; not all, but most. What this will do, is pause the output of a command into screen fulls. This way the output won't just fly by your eyes. You will get to see a screen full of information before carrying on to the next. It will keep pausing for each screen full until there is no more output. You will probably never use this in a script, since it requires a user to press a key, but it can be useful for debugging or working straight from the shell itself.

    NOTE: there are files that are binary. If you try to perform a text operation on one of these you will hear beeps and tones and the screen will go crazy. Dont worry, you haven't broken anything, but you just can't do a simple text operation like SORT on it.

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