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Auto-insert your Win9x serial number
Pesky serial numbers, you can never find them when you need them. Well, why not have it on your install CD, and have it pre-filled in whenever you run setup? This should work for all versions of Windows 9x (Win95, Win98, and WinMe).
Create a text file named MSBATCH.INF. Use quotes around the name when you save it, else notepad may name it MSBATCH.INF.TXT (so when you Save As, type in "MSBATCH.INF" WITH the quotes). Copy this in the file:
; Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation.
; All rights reserved.
Version=3.0 (32-bit)
Signature = "$CHICAGO$"
Of course, use your own serial number. Now place this file in the setup folder of your Windows CD (named Win98 for Windows 98 and Win9x for WinMe, same directory you can find the setup.exe, format.exe, scandisk.exe, extract.exe, etc. files. You can try it out by starting setup from within Windows and see if the serial number is pre-filled in for you (you can cancel out at that point to keep setup from installing Windows). Also check out how to make your WinMe CD bootable here.
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