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    Omnibot 2000 visits Christmas on the Cumberland

    People visiting Christmas on the Cumberland this Saturday (December 8, 2001) got a special treat. A little fella dressed up in a Santa hat and his own blinking Christmas lights wheeled down the complete path, about 1/2 mile total. He had a good old time, turning his head to look at all the Christmas displays, "talking" to kids who passed by, and even posing for pictures. He was a little annoyed at the kids who kept putting their fingers in HIS hot cocoa, but there wasn't much in the cup anyways after he spilled it all over him and his tray after hitting some nasty bumps (his tray was removed as it caught most of it). What a messy guy, took me a while to get him cleaned up once we got home.

    We may take him out again, but will most likely not go the complete path (he's not that fast, and he keeps stopping to talk to people along the way). Spending an hour and a half in the freezing cold may not phase him much, but those two people behind him were shivering most of the way. Good thing they all had some hot cocoa (though Omnibot kept spilling his all over the place). He'd also like to get some more pictures taken of him, we only got one good shot of him (new digital camera, haven't used it much...Kodak DC3200 btw). Here's all five pictures (we were too busy keeping warm most of the way and forgot to take more), though only the last two are that good. Click on any picture to view it full-size.

    First here's a picture of me, then of my wife. Omnibot has his head turned towards us.

    My wife tried to take one of me walking behind the Omnibot 2000. I thought she was taking one of the lights (there was no "say cheese!" beforehand) so I stepped out of the way. She got upset and started to put the camera down, hence the blurry picture. She got me in the second picture, but insisted I wasn't acting "natural".

    Here, we're on the bridge that goes across the road below. This was a well lit area, Omnibot thought it was the perfect time for a picture. Unfortunately, you can also see me pretty clearly.

    That's it! Sorry there's not any better pictures. We'll get some next time. Also he's scheduled to make an appearance at a certain local middle school class's Christmas party (I don't think the kids know about it yet) so there'll be more pictures soon! If you're in Clarksville, TN and would like to meet Omnibot the next time he makes a public appearance, email me and we'll try to let you know when and where.

    Questions? Ask in the forum or email me.

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