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How to Re-Install Windows 9x
- Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs
- Click on the Startup Disk tab, then on Create Disk and follow the instructions. Windows 98 users skip to # 5
- Open Explorer and copy the following files to your startup disk:
MSCDEX.EXE from C:\Windows\Command
HIMEM.SYS from C:\Windows
Your DOS CD-ROM driver (e.g. IDE-CD.SYS)
Your DOS Mouse driver (e.g. MOUSE.COM)
- Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS to load your DOS CD-ROM driver & mouse driver (read the documentation that came with the CD-ROM drive and Mouse on how to do this)
@echo off
ctload sbide.sys /d:mscd001 /p:170,15
mscdex /d:mscd001 /v /m:8
- Backup your documents and any other data that is critical
- Restart your computer with the startup disk in the drive
- (Optional) At the A:\> prompt, type fdisk, answer y to turning on LBA (if asked), then go to Create primary DOS partition and follow the instructions. Exit when finished
- At the A:\> prompt, type format c: and answer y to the question Are you sure?
- Restart the computer with the startup disk still in the drive
- At the A:\> prompt change to your CD-ROM drive (e.g. type d:)
- At the D:\> prompt type setup and follow the instructions
- After Windows is configured install all your applications
Contributed by GearHead
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